What’s the November Program About? Why Should I Attend?

Much work has been accomplished since Fall 2022 when the Ad-Hoc Industry Natural Resource Management Group (Group) and others convened the 12th Natural Resources Symposium. The purpose of the November 15, 2023 program to be held at The George Washington University Law School and via livestream is to share progress made in taking work products and discussions forward. Much of this work has been done by multi-stakeholder working groups on 4 topics - PFAS, Climate, Remediation and Emergency Response - and their relationship to natural resource damage assessment and restoration. We will hear from various experts on unique ways to approach these complex issues. Companies, government, NGOs and others will benefit from this program.

Over 12 Natural Resources Symposium Since 1999 – More Background

Since 1999, the Ad-Hoc Industry Natural Resource Management Group has convened a dozen Natural Resources Symposia, each with its own theme. These Symposia constitute a unique multi-stakeholder examination of national and international scope natural resource related policies and practices, with a strong focus on innovative and cutting-edge approaches and identification of greatest needs moving forward.

The Group’s 2022 Symposium, “Natural Resources at a Crossroads: How Recent Events Have Affected Natural Resources Law and Policy and Highlighted the Importance of Public/Private Collaborations to Advance Shared Objectives,” facilitated an interdisciplinary, international discussion on environmental and natural resource law and policy, including a broad view of key drivers for change, ongoing “influencers” on practice and introduction of a unique set of Best Practice Approach Frameworks on the interrelationship between Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration and PFAS, Climate Change, and Remediation. See the agenda, esteemed speakers and more HERE.

The November 2023 program will build upon the excellent discussions of the 2022 program and revisit key themes and influences to specifically look at influences and developments during the intervening one-year period in order to bring fresh perspectives and identify additional needed actions moving forward. In addition, the program will review actions taken to date on the unique set of Best Practice Approach Frameworks and provide a “preview” of next steps, including a series of Multi-Stakeholder Workshops on these topics planned for 2024.  Further information on the Frameworks can be found in this article recently published by the American Bar Association, “New Ways to Look at PFAS and Climate Issues: Innovative Best Practice Frameworks for Lawyers and Other Practitioners”.

who SHOULD participate

A wide set of professionals in private and public sectors will find the November 2023 program of interest, including those in law, policy, environmental management and sustainability, risk minimization and more. We especially encourage those in corporate settings, government service, universities and think tanks to participate. Participants will receive cutting edge information on evolving policy and practice issues and how recent developments are impacting companies and other parties working on environmental and natural resource matters. Participants will also learn about innovative, flexible and pragmatic solutions that can be used to manage these issues in their everyday work.

our speakers

The program will again bring together an outstanding set of speakers -- ranging from government policy makers -- to senior officers, appointees and staff responsible for implementing corporate and government policies -- to attorneys, consultants, academics and other experts working in-the-trenches on natural resource matters. See the roster of 2022 speakers, many of whom will again participate in the November 2023 program.

cle credit

A number of States have repeatedly granted CLE credit for our Natural Resources Symposia and we plan to register the 2023 program for credit in various states.